United States
Ranked 1 of 27 for comprehensive power, with an overall score of 81.7 out of 100.
Gained 0.9 points (+1% change) in overall score in 2024.
Gained 0.9 points (+1% change) in overall score in 2024.
The United States is a superpower in Asia.
Its score increased by 0.9 points in 2024, although remains below its level in 2018.
The United States continues to place first in six of the eight measures. As in 2023, it leads the Index in future resources, resilience, defence networks, cultural influence, economic capability, and military capability. China remains ahead for economic relationships and diplomatic influence.
The United States fell behind Japan to become third-ranked for diplomatic influence in Asia, a result of its global commitments and narrower diplomatic engagement with counterparts in Asia than either Japan or China.
The country’s first-place ranking for economic capability is partly the result of China failing to fully bounce back from its Covid-19 policy settings, as well as strong US economic growth.
The United States still exerts less influence in the region than expected given its available resources, as indicated by the country’s negative power gap score. A net underachiever in Asia, its negative power gap deteriorated slightly in 2024, reflecting Washington’s global rather than purely regional focus.
Read more analysis in the Key Findings report. Explore further results in the Scores section.
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A country’s weighted average across eight measures of power