Ranked 23 of 27 for comprehensive power, with an overall score of 6.7 out of 100.
Down 1 ranking in 2024 for comprehensive power.
Lost 0.8 points (−11% change) in overall score.
Down 1 ranking in 2024 for comprehensive power.
Lost 0.8 points (−11% change) in overall score.
Myanmar is a minor power in Asia.
In the 2024 edition of the Asia Power Index, Myanmar was the country to record the largest decline in its overall power, losing 0.8 points and dropping by one ranking to 23rd.
In 2024, armed resistance to the Myanmar junta increased and the country remained mired in civil war. Fragmentation, conflict, and contested political legitimacy limit the country’s ability to exert influence over its external environment.
Reflecting the state of the civil war, Myanmar scores lowest for resilience, declining by three places to rank last for this measure in 2024.
Myanmar dropped by one place to rank 26th for defence networks, and by four places to 24th for diplomatic influence, both results reflecting its international isolation.
Myanmar exerts less influence in the region than expected given its available resources, as indicated by the country’s negative power gap score, which increased in 2024.
Read more analysis in the Key Findings report. Explore further results in the Scores section.
Bilateral trade, current dollars (2022)
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Which countries in the region rely most on trade with Myanmar?
A country’s weighted average across eight measures of power