Ranked 22 of 27 for comprehensive power, with an overall score of 7.0 out of 100.
Up 1 ranking in 2024 for comprehensive power.
Gained 0.6 points (+10% change) in overall score.
Up 1 ranking in 2024 for comprehensive power.
Gained 0.6 points (+10% change) in overall score.
Laos is a minor power in Asia.
The country’s overall score showed a slight increase of 0.6 points over the past year.
Laos performs best in the economic relationships measure, increasing its ranking in 2024 to 18th. By contrast, it ranks 25th for military capability and future resources.
In 2024, Laos saw the greatest improvement in its economic capability, which rose by two places to 23rd.
Laos exerts less influence in the region than expected given its available resources, as indicated by the country’s negative power gap score. Laos’ power gap remained steady from 2023.
Read more analysis in the Key Findings report. Explore further results in the Scores section.
Bilateral trade, current dollars (2022)
Globally, which countries does Laos do most of its trade with?
Which countries in the region rely most on trade with Laos?
A country’s weighted average across eight measures of power