Ranked 19 of 27 for comprehensive power, with an overall score of 9.5 out of 100.
Up 1 ranking in 2024 for comprehensive power.
Gained 1.7 points (+21% change) in overall score.
Up 1 ranking in 2024 for comprehensive power.
Gained 1.7 points (+21% change) in overall score.
Cambodia is a minor power in Asia.
Cambodia overtook Bangladesh to become the region’s 19th ranked power, increasing its overall score by 1.7 points.
Cambodia performs best in the diplomatic influence measures, for which it ranks 14th. This was also its most improved measure in 2024, rising by two rankings. Cambodia’s relatively strong performance in this measure is in large part due to its membership of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and high tempo of diplomatic activity.
Cambodia’s worst performance is for resilience, where it ranks 24th, reflecting its small size and limited advantages in terms of resources and geography.
Cambodia exerts more influence in the region than expected given its available resources, as indicated by the country’s positive power gap score, which increased slightly in 2024.
Read more analysis in the Key Findings report. Explore further results in the Scores section.
Bilateral trade, current dollars (2022)
Globally, which countries does Cambodia do most of its trade with?
Which countries in the region rely most on trade with Cambodia?
A country’s weighted average across eight measures of power