Ranked 18 of 27 for comprehensive power, with an overall score of 10.2 out of 100.
Gained 0.3 points (+3% change) in overall score in 2024.
Gained 0.3 points (+3% change) in overall score in 2024.
Brunei is a middle power in Asia.
Brunei’s overall score increased by 0.3 points, with its ranking of 18th remaining unchanged.
Brunei performs best in the resilience measure, where it places 12th. This reflects its internal stability and favourable but declining energy trade balance. Its lowest ranking is in defence networks, where it ranks 23rd, a decline of three rankings.
Brunei exerts less influence in the region than expected given its available resources, as indicated by the country’s negative power gap score. Unusually among members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), it is a net underachiever in Asia, with its negative power gap increasing in 2024.
Read more analysis in the Key Findings report. Explore further results in the Scores section.
Bilateral trade, current dollars (2022)
Globally, which countries does Brunei do most of its trade with?
Which countries in the region rely most on trade with Brunei?
A country’s weighted average across eight measures of power